Ao ey





frost hospital

-alter kePrankel,leve
liedical Of:icer


nearch 17,1904

the Chairman of
whe tomic sunergy Com:ission
namiral L.Leob rauss
«tonle bnergy Commission





it is with relation to the recorts in the newspapers of
the last days,especially the Kew tork Times of this morning

with the neadline:slluclesr cownpour hit ship during test at bikin:

and thet "28 Americans and 206 residents of Facific tslends

were "unexpectedly exposed to some radiation” that I take the li-

berty to aduress you again respectfully.

In the h.¥.Times report at the end of it is said:They were

the result of contact with the ashes

and slow exposure." anc abe

the injured fishermen is said: "None are in uangerous concition ei

parentlyeireiiasao Ysuzuki ssid the men had suffered from seconc:r
radistion burns.The others ... hed swellings of the hanas snu ern

as well as falling heir’. In sn other pert of the report is spoke
of "atomic particles".
these incidents made me point again to &

corresponcence I hac.

the honour to have with you, relunham and ir.hebel of your vome


"pn nis letter to me of culy 10,1955 Lr.Lunham wrotes
" The radioiodine released at the time of atomic explosions

does net apy ear

to be a liniting factor as far as the hagerd fic

redioactive fallout is concernedelhe actual amount

releesea into the air is diluted to insignificsnt

of iocine


the stencpoint of the phrsiclosical erfects of iodine by the
it reaches the ground outside the imrediate test areée"
bYrelebel writing to me in the

absence of vrelunhem et culy &',u.

seid:" In order that no suess work be involved in enswering your

letter I heve taken your letter to one of our physicists anc he
ssures me that the best af modern science anc the complete



of what we know today about atomic explosions aGus up to

thisesven whore todine might be" heavy '

mic oxplosion,this iodine,

in the air before en ato-

ever if sone of it were mede recdicect*

by an explosion,voulu not constitute

« fectual health hezarce «5

you mey Enow,this study of follovut is being, worked upon by some
soo of the best brains of this country involving physicists, bioplL:
cists anc medicel men: )—

As I em stneo LO*L

ct-ring the icdine content of the tir,its in-

fluence on people sensitize a ey thyroid glend hyperfunction ana 2.

refore its importance in relation to the inteke of Loulized sult 2
was trying since 1047 ag outlined in my lery

on pet

fa ogprere

Select target paragraph3