e co that time when the bone marrow


re enerates.

Does this indicate si.vta. ceses or would it indicate

a minimum (or threshold) dose to produce simla> efiects?

Uncer bi lily controllec ecperloca tcl cilicuwstauces in animals
within linits, chan. es in the tlooe count -efleet the dose of raciation,
Accordingly, within limits, similar chan es in !-lood counts, if performe:
unver the same circumstances anc at the sane time intervals, without
other cowplicatin. clinical factors, woul) su. est coses of relativel-»

the same size. I vo not unverstanc the second part of the question
“ninimum (or threshold).

Throu hout most of the reports,

the Ron-elapese

are mentioned as havin, received sublethal doses. Why is the "sublethal" rather than the "near lethal" terminolo.y usec?
To me sublethal means doses outsise of the lethal range.
lethal would simply mean in the upper part of the sublethal rance as

described by “the effective ’ose received ty the Ron,yelape people
approached the lethal ranze.'

On what basis can this last statement be justified?

If you will identify what pa;e this is on in the .reen bool,
I will be pleased to try and answer it for you. I suggest thatone.


ask Stan Cohn what the infinity dose from the Sr-°) and Gesium would
I suspect it is of the order of one -al,

we aie


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