Naval tediolegical Lefense Laboratory (continued)
Biowiedical tivision
tr. Ve. F. Bond, Nead, Experinental Pathology branch
Ir. S. He Cohn, Herd, Internal Toxicity Branch
Ty, Ke W. Grauer, Head, rhermacology Branch

tre He P. Nicolson, Staff Assistant to Pirector

Mr. V. F. Saitta, Cede aud
J, %, Atomle Energy Commission

ir, CG, t. Punhan, Peputy Tdrector, Division of Blolory and Nedisine
tt was apreed that a task group of four scientists from NADL would

meet on or about Lecember 6 with one representative of Dr, Donaldson's

vyoup, at Kwajalein, and proceed to make ceneral radiological resurveys
of the following atolls:




endin’ at iionuglap en or about Lecember 12, where Dr, Vonaldsen, with

three others of his -roup, would meet and join forces, making a group
of nine selentigts bo do an intensive survey of the Islands en the
Hongelap atell.

it was further arreed that specimans and samples would be collected by
the joint team, as per the request of the Atomle inergy Commission,
these specimens to be forwarded to the New York Cperationa Office and

to the University of Washington Applied Fisheries Laboratory as desi¢~
nateds in addition the joint team would collect such samples as HHI'L

right require for its own purposes; that the Atomic nervy Commission
would defray the expenses of providing the four NROL personnel for the

joint team;

that CNC would be requested to provide logistic support

Tear the sroup;

thet Or. bonaldsonts vroup be supported as in the pant,

but that the Atomic bnerzy Commission was not to be asked to defray the
cost of scientific and laboratory studies which CROLL micht choose to
surgue on material collected by this expedition.

a a wae

Select target paragraph3