A147 4

Department of Energy
Nevada Operations Office
PO. Box 14100
Las Vegas, NV 89114

JUL 12 1978
James L, Liverman, Acting Assistant
Secretary for Environment, Headquarters

As you and your staff are abundantly aware, the EV programs in the
Marshall Islands have been badly handicapped since the loss of our
dedicated research vessel Liktanur last October. We have been able
to support a few of the most essential projects by chartering Trust
Territory field trip ships but without exception the scientific parties

have found these unsatisfactory.

Their scheduling is erratic, the

cost is excessive and the ships themselves are not suitably configured.
We have also received some criticism in the Press for utilizing scarce

Trust Territory assets, and the High Commissioner has indicated that
he will not be able to continue to provide this support.

Roger Ray, working with the PASO staff in Honolulu, has examined a
number of alternatives for providing a replacement research vessel at
reasonable cost. Our Property Management staff has continuously
screened appropriate excess property sources. A number of ships
have been considered and those appearing to have promise have been
inspected. Assistance in this effort has been obtained from the Army,
the Navy, the University of Hawaii Marine Center and private contractors. The evaluation has almost reached the point where a firm proposal can be made, The vessel which we expect to propose is a YFU,
which resembles an LCU, but is far more suitable for open ocean

The particular vessel we have in mind is YFU-81, available

from the Navy at Guam. It will require reactivation and renovatioa at
a cost currently estimated at $450K (+ 15%). The operating cost should
be in the range of our Liktanur costs, i.e., $425 - $450K per year.
The detailed breakdown of activation costs between FY-78 and FY-79
will depend upon when authorization to proceed is received. The
divison between capital and operating funds is being studied. ;, yi


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