

DEC 13 1972

Lt. General Carrell H. Duna, WA
Director, Defense Nuclear Agency
Washiagtern, D. C. 20305
Dear General Dwnn:

During the period Nowember 3 to Nowenber 25, 1972, a detachnent of
HM 462 of Marine Air Group 36 provided helicopter support to the
Atouic knergy Commiesion in a radielogical survey of Eniwetek Atoll
in the Marshall Islands. This survey is en essential step toward
ultimate rehabilitation snd repopulation of the islands of Enivetok.
The HMH 462 Enivetok Detachment, wnder cowmand ef Captain G. fT. Schuidt,
USMC, arrived on Kwajalein by LST lift en November 3 and was joined

there by eugineers and technicians ef the AEC and {ts contractor. By
the following day, the two helicopters were operational with radiation
detectors, electronic data processing systems, and photographic
equipnent installed.

Calibratien and familiarization flights were

wade at Kwajalein from November 4 through 6, and on November 8 both
helicopters staged to Eniwetok, recording radiological data on the
arrival flight. From November 8 toe November 24, every scheduled
mission was flown as requested with a high degree of technical success.

Having made a preliminary review of the data obtained, we recognize

that we have proven out a valuable new surveillance capability.

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I am informed by our Survey Field Manager that the performance of
the Detachment was consistently outstanding. The motivation,
professionalisa, and enthustasa of all attached personnel made major
eontributions to a highly successful mission wherein the operational

sorties totaled more than twice the original estizate.

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I take this means of expressing to you the Commission's appreciation = =, --—}

for the exceptional contribution of the HM 462 Enfwetok Detachment ‘%- ">"|

and for the staff and logistic support which made it possible.
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DATE B® |. __......--.---------Form AEC-318 (Rev. 9-53) AECM 0240

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