Gordon HM. Dunning


29 July 1954

“Three members of YAG 39 and YAG 40 returned film badges reading 13.5,
55 and 135 roentgens. Investigation revealed that the badges had been

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left aboard these experimental ships during radioactive fall-out and do not
reflect their true exposure. It is to be ncted that the unit encountered

badge tampering in three organizations located at Bikini for the longest


period (TG 7,3 and 7.5).

Eleven Task Group 7.4 weather station personnel on Rongerik Atoll received
exposures approximating 40 roentgens and one weather reconnaissance pilot
received 17 roentgens. These first exposures are considered to be the


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highest actual exposures encountered by JTF Seven personnel during Castlea68 ce


Two members of Task Group 7.5 exceeded twelve roentgens due to extended

work in contaminated arees and equioment.

One individual accrued his

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exposure due to the fact that he went to sleep aboard a highly contauinated

LCT that wes being transported back to Eniwetok aboard the Belle Grove.
This exposure was an avoidable exposure that resulted from the uncontrolled
"roll-up" of eauipment from Bikini.
The great bulk of Task Force exposures between 6 and 12 roentgens are due_
to the Navy ship decontaminaticn project and the Air Force cloud sampling
project. ‘Whether the value of the decontarination project justifies the

exposure or rot, I cannot judge, but without these two projects the operation

could have easily been completed with exposures of less than 6.0 roentgens.


anclosed you will find a tatmleticn cf exposures listing numbers of personnel
rather tian percentages,

I ax. being ordered to the Cormand and General Staff School for a period of
10 months and, before lecving, sould like to express my aprreciation to
you enc Tr. Eugher for your complete ccoperétion. After the school I hope
tc rebern to be the first radiological safety officer to sar ti.at he nad
ne overexposures Curing a test operation,

Sincerely yours,





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