UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continued) Joint Task Force Seven Task Group 7.3 Oceanic Nuclear Tests Ship Shielding Ship Contamination 19. ABSTRACT (Continued) were not documented, generally late in the operation when intensity levels were low, agreement is not as good. Calculated ship contamination doses of significance are in excellent agreement with limited available dosimetry data. Calculated average doses for shipboard personnel range from a low of 0.19 rem for the crew of the USS LST-825 to a high of 3.56 rem for the crew of the USS PHILIP. Average doses on the residence islands of Enewetak and Kwajalein Atolls are 1.09 rem and 0.32 rem, respectively. UNCLASSIFIED ii &e SIFICATION OF THYS PAGE SECURITY CLAS