About 1600 hours an 27 March, at a point some 30 miles west southwest of the
ROMEO GZ, the APACHE recorded the peak intensity during a period of fallout which

had begun about an hour earlier.

At this time the ship began to proceed to the

northwest. At approximately noon on the following day, the APACHE was operating
some 60 miles northwest of the ROMEO GZ when it encountered another period of

The ship proceeded southwestward until about 1600 hours, when the peak

intensity was recorded; it then proceeded southward out of the fallout area.


that evening the APACHE changed course for Enewetak.
The EPPERSON encountered fallout in its patrol area at approximately 1600
hours when it was about 26 miles north of the ROMEO GZ.
also activated its washdown system.

At 1933 hours, this ship

The following morning, when the EPPERSON was

patrolling five to ten miles north of Bikini Atoll, it received more fallout between


Fallout during the same period was detected by the PHILIP south of Bikini

Atoll, but was not noted by any of the

ships anchored





Around 2000 hours the CURTISS and NICHOLAS departed Bikini for Enewetak,

arriving there at approximately 0700 hours on 28 March. The NICHOLAS remained at
anchor until the afternoon of the 29th; the CURTISS got underway for Bikini about
1900 hours on the 28th and arrived at 0730 hours on the 29th.
At shot time the RENSHAW was on station midway between Enewetak and Bikini

About 1845 hours it took a station south of Eneman Entrance to Bikini Atoll.

LST-762 was anchored off Enewetak [sland and remained there for the next four days.
LST-551 was at anchor in Enewetak Lagoon at shot time, but got underway for Bikini

at 1017 hours.

The PHILIP, which was patrolling eastward of the Deep Entrance to

Enewetak Atoll at shot time, joined the LST-551 in formation bound for Bikini at 1035

Between 1400-2400 hours these two ships encountered minor fallout; peak

intensities were recorded about 1800 hours when they were some 70 miles east of

After they arrived at Bikini at approximately 0700 hours on 28 March, the

PHILIP began to patrol off Eneman Island while the LST-551 entered the lagoon and
beached itself on Eneman.


Select target paragraph3