which was in the vicinity of Kusaie Atoll, the remaining ships were at or near
Enewetak. Thosein the vicinity of the Bikini were:









They remained in their assigned areas until about 0800 hours when the first onset of
fallout occurred.

By 0815 hours all were proceeding southward with their washdown

systems activated. The southward movement was terminated about [000 hours and the

ships began moving northward again to resume their assigned stations.
Shortly after noon, a second period of fallout deposition began.

The affected

ships again activated their washdown systems and maneuvered at various courses and
speeds to enhance its effectiveness.

Some ships reported encountering intermittent periods of fallout later during the
afternoon in the Bikini area. Others enroute to Enewetak encountered fallout between
2200 hours,


March and O1f00 hours, 2 Warch.

These were the AINSWORTH,

BAIROKO, CURTISS, and ESTES, which had begun their movement to Enewetak
between 1790 and 1900 hours when it became evident that, due to the severity of the
contamination in the lagoon, they could not reenter the lagoon as planned. The SIOUX
proceeded to retrieve buoys in support of Project 2.5a, and moved generally north and
west of Bikini Atoll.

The other ships in the Bikini area appear to have remained

generally on station.
At the time of Shot BRAVO, the EPPERSON, LST-551, LST-762, LST-825 and
the RENSHAW werein the vicinity of Enewetak Atoll. The EPPERSON waspatrolling
close to the atoll while the RENSHAW was midway between Enewetak and Bikini. The
LST-551 was about 30 miles west of Enewetak and the LST-762 and LST-825 were

beached or anchored off Parry Island the whole day. About 2100 hours the RENSHAW
began to patrol the area close offshore of Enewetak Atoll. Between 1800-2300 hours,
the residence islands of Enewetak (Enewetak and Parry Islands) recorded a period of
fallout deposition.


Select target paragraph3