the fact that the broad


of the radioactive cloud is generally

stabilized at the altitude of the tropopause, which is about 55,000
feet in this area.


For the kiloton range of explosions, the Lower cloud heights
result in fallout coming to earth sooner and at closer distances to
the point of the explosion.

Although the overall aroa recieving

fallout containation is legs than for megaton explosions, this local
concentration results in downwind radioactivities that can be of the
same order of magnitude as the explosions in the magaton range (Glasstone,
1964, p. 457).

The Test Mike had unusually large yield and produced significant
amounts of radioactivity, and so we review the early time radiation

from this test (Klein, 1958).

Figure 2 (labeled Fig 6 on the copy)

shows the maximum activity was reached at about one hour after the
explosion and that the peak activity recorded on Engebi was 1009R/hr

(Roentgens per hour). The quantity of fallout at crosswind and downwind positions varied from over 20 g/ft? at 4 miles to essentially
zero at approximately15 miles (Heidt et al., 1953, p. 41).
Although measured at times past the peak of radioactivity,

measurements /

recorded for the four-hour time after the nuclear

explosion for seventeen of the most recent nuclear explosions, namely

those in the Hardtack I series (Jacks and Zimmerman, 1958).


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