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Prebait and bait stations should be placedin the exact’ same locations. | gPlacement of prebait and bait should be directly associated with _
rodent burrows;. harborage and feeding areas.




Post surveillance should be conducted immediately after. the conclusion _
of the baiting cycle. Unconsumed baits should be retrievedwithin 48 - 72

hours of their placement to limit contact withnonn target. organisms. we



The process of cleaning up the islets by engineers will itself have me
an <mpact onrodent populations by significantly reducing harborage. “-1 °F
and food sources.

This combined integrated control should Significantly |

reduce, but not eradicate the rodent population. Continued surveillance |
will be required alon- vith "rodent proofing" of buildings,

Critical prebaiting, baiting and post surveillance should be conducted
by certified pest control personnel (MOS-91S, civilian or engineers)

under the direct supervision of a professional entomologist.


engineering personnel will be adequate to maintain control. | |


Manpower and time requirements will be directly proportional to the number and size of the islets selected for control. If control is |
required for the base camps of Lojwa and Enewetak only, then approximately
seven - fourteen days will be required utilizing seven pest contirol

personnel and one Entomologist.



Control on most or all of the islets may require a minimum of 21 people

(20, 91's, 1 Entomologist) and a period of 3 - 4 wecks.

Accessability. f&

to the islets by helicopter would reduce the time requirements.

No specific control is required for the wasps.


However, certain precautic

are wa.ranted for personnel working in thick foliage.

1) ’ Head gear.

Long sleeves and pants.





3) --No bright colored or pastel colored clothing such as reds, yellows,
blues, etc.
4) __Insegtrepellents are of no value in protecting against ‘wasps and be:



Nests may be destroyed with wasp Kill or similar registered insecti-.

_cides as they are located.

Personnel known to be allergic to insect venoms should not be
permitted: to work in risk areas as described.


Select target paragraph3