



and Kusaie was only slightly

above the background level of the counter.

The naturally-

occurring isotope «49 contributed most of the radioactivity,

for the samples listed in Table 3,

ranged from 1.8 to

19 puc/g of wet tissue.
The levels of radioactivity in samples from one of the
islands at the test site

(Bikini) were considerably higher

than in the "off-site" samples.

For example,

at Bikini Island in September 1956,

algae collected

two months after comple-

tion of the Redwing series, averaged 5,500 uyuc/g, whereas
samples collected at the same time at Ponape Island averaged

78 wuc/g.

Similar comparisons with the fish,

coconut and sea

cucumber tissues showed that the major portion of the radioactivity was deposited at or close to the test sites at Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls,
Comparisons of the radioactivity of different tissues
and of similar tissues at different times are limited by the
number of samples.


some general conclusions can be

The algae and fish liver contained the highest levels

of radioactivity and the coconut meat and milk were the least

radioactive tissues at the majority of the stations.POE ARCHIVES
The samples collected in January-February,


at the

atolls east of the test site contained relatively high amounts


Select target paragraph3