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FOLe: ©


Oct, 12, 1971

( Beookhaven
har Lae)



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OP, Bond

M.D., Associate Director,

Life Sciences
@. P. Cronkite,



Congressman Balos’ Questions of

Dr. Conard

This ts a follow-up of cur brief discussion of this on 7 October,
I have serious reservations as to whether the 4 October letter
answering these questions should be sent out on Brookhaven National
Laboratory stationery and whether Dr. Conard should be che signer of
the letter,

I have nothin: but confidence and admiration for the

excellent job that Dr, Conard as done in leading the study of the
Marshallese, The problems are now becoming not medical or scientific
but international volitics, I personally believe and am stating for
tha record that these questions should be answered by someone witnin
the Government, obviously in consultation with Dr, Conard, The entire
problem, I believe,

is being blown up into one of political controversy

that will be used against the United States and its management of the

Trust Terrétory, and in particular, the Marshallese who were exposed

to fallout radiation, In «ay opinion, this entire subject is rapidly
becoming an affair of State; if it 1s not already such,
Since dollars, power volitics within the Trust Territory, and
political motives are behind Congressman alos’ questions, I believe

it is inappropriate for these to be answered by Dr, Conard alone,
have serfous misgivings about the manner in which this issue is being

handled and would be much happier if the questions were directed to
Washington and answered by them in collabebation with Dr, Conard.



Dr, Conard

, '


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