Mr. Brown aise reported that the lirst teletrnerapy
unit in the United States to employ cesium asthe source
of radioactivity had been demonstrated. Upon completion
of a facility for recovery of cesium and other elements

from the waste products of plutonium separation, radiocesium would become competitive with radioactive
cobalt in price.

Mr, Klaus then reported at length on the present

status of Project Aureole and Project Sunshine, the
two areas into which Project Gabriel has been divided,
Extensive questions by the Commissioners were discussed,

During the foregoing discussion, Commissioner Campbell entered

the meeting.

At the conclusion of the foregoing repor+, Messrs. Brown, Boss,

Klaus, Dunning and Stumpf left the meeting.

b, Agreement for the Use of Bikini and Eniwetok (p. 134)
The General Manager said that he would request
the Department of the Navy to represent the AEC in
negotiating an agreement with the Trust Territory

Select target paragraph3