52 successful research dives between July 7 and Sept 29,

unuing studies at the atull There is every indication that?:

of the Western Society of Naturalsts in Los Angeles in
December 1982 and were published in Bulletin of Marine


1981. The results were presented in a special symposium

Science (Harrison, 1985). |

The wisdom and foresight of H. Burr Steinbach and g&

position as a permanent fixture in that community was not

to be. At a time of constrained research dollars in the
DOE, and with support grants from all sources limited, the
cost of maintaining a resident staff and operating the
MPRL facility as a self-sustaining field statton became
prohibitive. Support from the Division of Biomedical and
Environmental Research was terminated in 1982,
whereupon DOE's Nevada Operations Office sought and

obtained funding for one more year through the DOE

Office of Defense Programs. This additional year of funding permitted an orderly phase down of the laboratory

activities and the preservation cf some of MPRL’s unique

The reference collection which had been started during
Hiatt's early tenure had groun and had been well






accomplished through a contract with the Bernice P.
Bishop Museum, under the able supervision of the late
Dennis M. Devaney. The collections were carefully packaged and shipped to Hawaii to be placed in the temporary
custody of the Bishop Museum. Early in 1985, negotia-

tions were completed by the DOE with the Smithsonian’s

National Museum of Natural History and with the Bishop

Museum for the permanent transfer of the reference collection to the latter institution. The MPRL’s library and much
of the laboratory equipment were transferred to Hawaii
Institute of Marine Biology.
The remaining U. S. government activity at Enewetak
is now conducted on a campaign basis, usually supported
by the research vessel Liktanur. At this writing, however,
two DOE contractor employees remain at the atoll, and
the field station remains intact and capable of limited support. Philip Helfrich retains the utle of Director of MPRL
and, with modest funding from DOE, entertains inquiries
from scientists who desire to explore the feasibility of con-


Research and the AEC who spawned and nurtured the &
idea of a research facility at Enewetak deserve special
note. Time has proven that the decisions to estabilsh, 2
maintain, and support EMBL andits successors were wise 3€:
and fruitful commitments which resulted in important con #&

tributions tc our knowledge -of atoll ecosysterns and more

broadly to marine science.

Assuredly, there arestill many x,

unanswered questions. but just as surely new knowledge ¥

will continue to be built upon the foundation of about 250 &

scientific papers which have resulted from}
research conducted at Enewetak Atoll over the past 30%.


years. The writers of this chapter, who have been partners %

in the administration and support of the laboratory for§

almost half of that period, record their hope that new
ways will be found by interested scientists and their spon #
sors to continue, ‘even on limited scale, the exciting and &
rewarding experience of research at this remote and Iso§
lated atoll.

Harrison, J. T. Ill, 1986. Recent Marine Studies at |
Atoll, Marshall Islands. Badl. Mar. Sci, 38: 1-3.
Hines, N. O., 1962, Proving Ground: An Account” of the ¢
Radiobiological Studies in the Pacific, 1946-1961, University ¢
of Washington Press, Seattle.
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Enewetak Atoll Master Plan,¢

1975, 3 volumes, Holmes and Narver, Inc., Anaheim, Califor¥

U. S$. Atomic Energy Commission. 1973, Enewetak Radiological
Survey, 3 volumes. Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, &

- NVO-140
U. S. Defense Nuclear Agency, 1975, Environmental impoct §
Statement: Cleanup, Rehabilitation, Resettlement of Ene-™
wetak—Marshall Islands. 4 volumes, Washington, D.C.

oweBain, tad, aeibtter:

Although the plans for an autonomous laboratory after
the 1980 departure of ‘the cleanup forces were thoughtfully and thoroughly prepared and enthusiastically carried
out, and despite the welcome that MPRL had received
from the returning Enewetak community, its anticipated



Robert W. Hiatt and of those in the Office of Naval #¥



the people of Enewetak would welcome such visits.


U.S. Department of Energy, 1979, Mid-Pocific Marine Laboro- j

tory Contributions, 1 volume, Nevada Operations Office, Las”
Vegas, NVO-628.1.
. 1982, Enewetak Radiological Support Project Nevada Opera:
~~ tions Office, Las Vegas. NVO-213.
U. S. Energy Research and Development. Administration, 1976,
Eniwetok Manne Biological Laboratory Contributions,
volumes, Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, NVO-628-1. ‘

Select target paragraph3