




Fig. 5

The second laboratory facility was located on Enewetak Island from 1961 to1969.
[Photoby EL§. Reese.]

",/.1. use of these facilities and allocated them to the
wet tetory (Fig. 7). Over the next 2 years, in anticipation
vt tne demobilization of the cleanup force and the sharp

teguction-in available logisfiés and life support™facilities,

steps were taken to make the laboratory ready to “stand
zivre ” The complex was augmented with several portable

* 23.52 and laboratory units, and plans were made for

"- ar fresh and sal water systems, and other
The new location was a considerable
=. consolidating all operational and support

shi...es in one location. The new facilities included a

Me.” air-conditioned laboratory building with work benches

ero equipment space. a library, communications room.
ders roum, reference collection room, and severe! storage

room."Attached lo the main building
were a generator

a enc a storage shed. Four additional buildings pro:
wtcec gh 22p
Ping quarters accommadating as manyas 18 per:
ey buildings proviced a kitchen, loo storage. a

“Tahotaton a sciwnific shop. a dive locke
r, a
uaimivniance shop, end a covered seawater lanai


A 50-foot tower on which two 600-gal tanks were located
provided gravity feed for a seawater system. Good quality
unfiltered seawater for this system was. pumped from a
former quarry in the reef.
Access to the lagoon for boats and personnel was pro-’
vided by a conveniently located concrete ramp and a
wooden pier. Laboratory boats were moored offshore or
launched and retrieved from trailers at the ramp.
Fresh water was provided by catchment of rain from

the roofs of several buildings and stored in four 10.000-gal

cisterns. Diesel and gasoline fuels were stored in tanks on
the lagoon side of the laboratory complex. These fuels,
along with other supplies, were delivered to the laboratory
approximately every 2 months by the DOE research vessel
Liktonur, which was based at Kwajalein and supported

DOE's environmental research. radiation protection. and
medica! progrrams in the northern Marshal! Islands. Personnel. mail, and hght cargo were usuelly: transported via the
Airline of the Marshall Islands (AMI! on approximately a
biwevkh schedule anc occasionally on a chartered flight.

Select target paragraph3