Sdnd.ral. Wanlen

= 2

Authority te Zire ap te aineteen shots aud to axpent specific
amounts of ouslear materials beve bee requested fran the
President and will be eqmunieated te you when received. The

mbar and type of nedels te be Fired, as well as opares, beve
Peon determined ty She Los Alsmes Sclentifia Laberatary sad

the teiveralty of California fadiatios Lavoretory sith Comission enpreval.

A& Commission representative yea are reeponsible for, and are
the designated custodianof, a1). aneloar devious snd their con

ponante which will be trensperted oversees for tila cperation.

fr. Kenner 2. fowtferd, Mensger; Santa Fa Gparationn Offices
tate Poleaatuaraf maherioleavilisel

essary trenefere inte your qustedy of materiale utilised
the lee Alamos Sciuatifia Laboratory in its devises.
Me. Warcld A. Fislers Kenager, San Franeipoe Operetions Gffices
Y. &. Atemia Energy Corniawion, will be divested te wake nee-~

astary trenefers into your cumtedy of ustertals utilized ty the
Univeredty ef CaliformiaHadistion Laberatery in ite deviees.

al sgepustebiiily aspects, xr.
Se eeree

prope?puieninieof &
Waalmaleny matachah eompeauase, eta on couke te tad trons
ant in, the fucitie Preving Greed.

the Gaminsien reeguinss your reaponsibitiiy 2sTeak Forde
aituxtione wherethe health and safety af Teak Forde perecanal
or property Are scncermed, or where the national interest must

Select target paragraph3