

Thyroid and other radiation-related diseases in the exposed and

comparison populations.


All of A plus other patients already taken into the study with

non-radiation related diseases (e.g., diabetes}.

This would include exposed and

comparison group patients only.

All of A and B plus all low level radiation exposed patients who

have gone through full screening,

irrespective of findings of disease (e.g.,


Bikini group).

All of A, B, and C plus full screening of all inhabitants living

or scheduled to be repatriated to,

atomic fallout;

the Marshall Istinds contaminated by

i.e., background radiation higher than median for all

Micronesian islands.
* E.

Discontinue the study under DOE mandate and turn the care over to

the new Marshall Island Health Care System. *

With these five options in mind, we must first consider the common constraints impinging on the subheadings listed under Column II of the flow sheet
(see Figure 1}.

The unique constraints for each option will be listed as appro-

The common constraints are:


Under current operating policies, DOE responsibilities do not

include health care for non-irradiation related pathologic conditions.
not clear.

The defin:-ion of "radiation-related"” pathologic conditions is

There is uncertainty among radiation experts as to the biologic ef-

fects of long-term "low-level" radiation.

The status ~* acute and long-term ef-

fects of higher levels of radiation offers a greater consensus by the experts.

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Select target paragraph3