n-relsted diseases plus the care
Theu deteetion and treatment of radtactio
found to
and tvilow-up of patients fn the Ixposed and Control Groups
have non+radyaucion relaced dlovdous


Establish the ideal objectives.


Screening for rad{ation-related

pathologic conditions as in Option

- plus additional screening for age
apd sex correlated high risk


Treatment as in Gption A for

ridiation-related diseases.

LLL. Translation

Ti Constraints

For all

other diseases change "tertia
care ceater to primary oF seconda

caré center, as available.

Follow-up (as {on Option A)
primary or
~ Change tertiary care to
secondary cure, gs avallab

Present levels of care
a8 In Option A - plus, need co develop
“rok cables" (age and sex specific) to expand tie
gcrceulng data base.

The relative improvement in

recent health “statistics” should be of some
asutatance. Treatwenc: (1)(7)(9)(10)(11) plus
tnereosed logistic requiremenra of added care.

in consideration of restraints.

each approach being stated in

As in Option A - The increased
patience care demanded by Option B


terms of:

Ag lu Option A = plug

selected "risk hazard appraisal"
acreening, care and follow-up.


Selection Critecta

Set forth the criterta for the selection of am appeeach:
Performunce or reaults
As in Option A - However, Lhe section on radiation related diseases will amesct
to be expanded co include chose age and sex specific general mdical problems

hoc currently assocfated with radiacion.

The methodology of KoLbins and Hall

will be used co determine what specific historical, physical, und Jeboratory
Findings would be most sensitive and specifte co detect the mest prevalence
diseawes (age and sua-determined, c.g., we wild not luok Cor Lorem y

Fo) lue-up: As in Option A - plus increased
Yoylutic wand manpower required for care.

Since the lacrease ia directly

related to primary patient care


Euleting Policy
As in Option A - plus current operacing proceduras already includes thia added group and

ponsibllity, perhaps some Inter
agency agreemeot with DOT could
be reached to provide thia supplement.
In addition, if, under the

active commitment.

atherosclerosis ln young fewules, evidence for alcoholisa will be songhe in
young und old mates, etc,),



kadeting needs and demands

Kwajalein toxea are to paid directly

cure Jaavident to many Marahallese.
They are
surceutly and have biscorically, demanded
ether cite,

portion might be diverted co grimary medical care under a DUU/Kwa)-

Au in Uption A - The need for better primary

Propectid needs and demands
Au ja Uption A > plug an ever increasing base

popul-tlen - erude geoweh rare 3% ~ better pri-

mary sedicul cape will probably reduce mortality
reoutitag fu increasing population.
Many Marshallese
arg wting for birch control education,

Plansiay at other Levels

Aa sa Option A = Plus significant decrease in
abesegp maper T.T. support of medical care due

tu vote tor “free association”.
Pedeeing Pacdiicies

Aw 1. Uption A - plus the increased load of

futttor patlent care would strain the existing
facbbitivs resulting in severely diminishing returns
[ue +sh beslih dollar (below minimum “eritical Mase").

bh + cots (ECS) C6) {7)€8)

The added screening costs

will %s 2sanl) inctement in the existing screening

plectss The added pelmary and secondary cure and
{olla - both short/long term may be a aignifificant

(See facilities cost
the dis wasn atte tol and chere prevlance).
anount (dependent upon
as well).
ett f cugperation wil) hopefully improve compl tance
Manpower: (13) As
alos: requirements cun be handted by better
The iu Cra bue t #
Tang quality of dateay.
Fees (ar Ajst, og nurse praccitioner.
wer, add fay ome
utilization of manpo
tie tool oon cage should raise credibilicy of DOE/DOI.
AS in Option
teh oe procedures!
This option 4s stil} belo
dath‘elu Uptiva A - but with « reduction in covert
Pemopraphic Popu Locion Chart t
Y ,oedenumler care, scfiil below, currear
hoseLbity + increased coopera
operating palictes.


attaining the objectives, with

will require a slight increase in
manpower and logistics (Funding).




Develop possible approaches tu

Restatement of refined objectives

and {s, therefore, nat DOE's res-

“Cros association” agreemenc che DODto the Marshall Islands, some fixed

Marshall tsland Government agreement -

As in Option A - BNL is

currently excceding Option B in its
Screening, care and

follow-up of exposed and control

groups wherever ve can locate

When: Ags in Option A ~ plus
regulac intermittene visits
{every 2'5 months) Eor follow
up Of nun-radiaclon related
problems (already being done).

We would, uctually, need

to cuc back on our present

commitments to comply with

Option 8, e.g., we have aiready
puc almost oll of the people
formerly on BLlkini through che
entire scresuing procedure.

As in Option A -but we cun cancel out che specific education program
(explaining che cut in services).
The various cost trade-offs have been

discussed in che previous sections of thls option. We mur keep in mind
That this option is acil) below our present commitment.
There is Increased fleathility with this opefon,

We feel che #NL team

Stationed at Ebeye could handle thts additonal Josd without prubtemsy in Fact, it would enrich their practice and provide some vetcome warloty.

Avatdance of untoward consequences

The added flexibiiley and commitment of the DOE/BNL cess shauld enhance ar
shaky credibilicy and yenerace true gratitude among sume ot the Murtnalles

The critical point ia never to promise more chan you can



ceedibility pap may be partially putched by saying "To dun'c knaw” more

feequentky and by forwarding all pertinence daca on to facsrested Marshalle
as soon as if 1s avalluble.
The riska to DOE/BNL are Lesa than with Option A - However, Lhis level on
effore is below the current program and will cause some adverse reaction
(publicity, cooperation, erc.}.

The ciska co the Marshallese are thac a great deal of potentially treatabl-

disease will be excluded From our atteatlun by this optiay,
As in Option A

As in Option A - The increased population would nor appeectably change our
existing schedyle.

Select target paragraph3