

January 8, 1958
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
The White House

Washington, D.C.

Dear President Eisenhower:

We write to tell you of our intended action regarding the

announced spring test explosions of American nuclear weapons.

Four of us, with the support of many others, plan to sail
a small vessel into the designated area in the Pacific by

April Ist.

We intend,

come what may,

to remain there during

the test perfod, in an effort to halt what we feel is the
monstrous delinquency of our government in continuing actions

which threaten the well-being of all men. We recognize the
equal guilt of Russian authorities in this matter and plan
parallel action to carry the same moral and political message
to them.
You will find enclosed a statement of our reasons and
the facts of our project.
We are sensitive to the great
responsibility you bear and assure you that there will be no
deception in our effort.
All action will be taken openly and

trustingly in the Gandhian spirit of a non-violent attempt to

effect needed change by speaking to the best in all men.

For years we have spoken and written of the suicidal

military preparations of the Great Powers, but our voices
have been lost in the massive effort of those responsible for
preparing this country for war.
We mean to speak now with the
welght of our whole lives,
By our efforts in the Pacific we
mean to say to all men, "We are here because stopping preparation for nuclear war is now the principal business of our lives;

it is also the principal requirement for the continuation of

human life,
It is a task in which we would have our nation
We, by our action, would be aslcing our fellow citizens
to accept the lesser dangers and the greater opportunity that
such an approach implies.

We hope our presence in the test area will speak to that
which is deepest in you and in all men:
that all men are
capable of love.


Please consider us,

your friends,

For Non-Violent Action

For crew of the ketch,

George Willoughby,

Albert Bigelow

Against Nuclear Weapons

Lawrence Scott, Coordinator

William Huntington

"Golden Rule”

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