

February 5, 1958

President Dwight D. Eisenhower
The White House

Washington, D.

12:30 P.M.


We urgently ask you to meet with a group of sincere and
concerned citizens to consider cessation now of nuclear bomb
explosions by the United States government.
Several times during the past year we have made this
request, without receiving acknowledgement of our plea.

January 8, 1958 we stated in a letter to you that four of us
intend to sall a small vessel into the Eniwetok nuclear testing
area of the Pacific by April 1.

The crew--Albert Bigelow,

William Huntington, George Willoughby and David Gale--will sail
from San Pedro, California the morning of February 10, in an
effort to halt what we feel is the folly and delinquency of

our government in continuing actions which

threaten the well

being of all men.
We plead,
human family,

as fellow citizens and as fellow members of the

for a conference with you.

The voyage of The

Golden Rule will spealc to the hopes of millions here,
Europe, Asia and Africa.

and in

It may have international repercussions.

We, and the crew of The Golden Rule, would rejoice at the
international good-will which would result if you proclaimed now

the end of nuclear testing by the United States.

Your decision

would open the doors of hope to the people of the world.

Lyle Tatum, Chairman
Lawrence Scott, Coordinator

for Non-Violent Action Against Nuclear

2006 Walnut Street

Philadelphia 3,




RIttenhouse 6-2540


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