
year 1966 for thirty non-urban locations in the United States,

No similar

data are available for Enewetak or an equivalent south sea atoll location,
The average mean value for the 30 locations in Table II is 38 micrograms
per cubic meter (microgram /m°),

Assuming, to be conservative, tht

the average airborne particulate concentration level at Enewetak is 150
microgram/m°, and further assuming that all of this particulate matter
consists of local soil (i.e., no salt spray from the ocean), one obtains a
value of 400 pCi/gm as an average surface soil concentration which corresponds to the ICRP guide for maximum permissible average airborne concentration of plutonium,
In the evaluation of the radiological condition of Enewetak, we will apply
the criteria that areas in which any soil samples show concentrations
greater than 400 pCi/gm should receive corrective action, areas which
show soil concentrations between 40 and 400 pCi/gm mayreceive corrective
action, depending on other radiological conditions present, and areas showing
less than 40 pCi/gm do not require corrective action because of the presence


of plutoniumalone,

Select target paragraph3