plutonium with tsotopic ratios ranping from 0.05 to 0,38 (Ne73).


2 and 3 by summing the products of the areas in the layoon by the

Cactus Crater, at the northern end of Yvonne, the isotopic ratio of 0.55

average inventory of the transuranics present there.

in the sediments is one of the highest at the Atoll.

approximately 250 Ci of 23942405, and 75 Ci of 24d an unevenly

The average

There are

concentration ratio in the lagoon sediments determined from the mean

distributed throughout the 2,5-cm-thick surface sediment layer of the

surface concentrations is 0.14,


The average ratio determined in the

The total 23942405, inventory in island soils,

lagoon water samples during 1972, 74, and 76 is identical to the

depths of 35 to 150 cm,

sediment ratio.

< 25 Ci.

A steady state condition is reached where plutonium

sampled to

is estimated from available data

(Ne73, No76) at

Transuranic distributions in surface sediment at Bikini Atoll

isotopes are remobilized to the aqueous phase in proportion to their

were constructed and inventories were estimated from published

concentrations in different regions of the sediments and reef

No75) and unpublished data (No78a).


estimated from substantially less data than were available from

One region of the lagoon sediments with lower or higher

isotopic ratios, for example,

is not the dominate source term supplying


Bikini sediment inventories were

Future results from Bikini might change the present estimates

of transuranic inventories given in Table 1,

plutonium isotopes to the water column.
In 1977 several core samples were obtained from the lagoon basin


to 21 cm deep)

Analysis of 25 cores (12

from different locations in Bikini and Enewetak lagoons

near stations sampled in 1972. The 241 an concentrations in surface

showed that only 21 + 11% of the 73974 %py and 16 + 6% of the 77am

sediment layers sampled in 1972 and 1977 were nearly identical showing


that there was little change in the surface concentrations of

2,5-cm layer.

tranguranics at many lagoon locations during those years.

sediment is only 21% of the total inventory to a mean depth ef 1€ em for

Only small

guantities of the transuranics were remobillized or reworked to greater
depths in the sediment column during these years,

Little resuspended

in the sediment column ts associated with compenents in the top
If the average 2394240), inventory in the surface

the entire lagoon, then the estimated 23942405, inventory in the
sediment column to a l6-cm depth at FPnewetak and Bikini are 1.2 and 1.5

material from other areas of the lagoon and with different

kCi, respectively.

concentrations of transuranics were transported and deposited to the

obtain from carbonate deposits, 235+ Hoy and 24a were detected at

areas that were resampled.

depths below 20 cm,

The largest inventory of transuranics at Fnewetak Atoll is
associated with the components of the lagoon sediment.

The estimated

lagoon sediment inventories given in Table 1 were determined from Figs.

Uowever, in a few decper cores that are difficult to

The inventories computed to a depth of 16 cm then

can be assumed only to represent lower limits.

Using the average

isotope ratios from samples from the Atel] enviranment


earlier), an estimate of the concentration for each plutonium isotope




Select target paragraph3