of the inventory estimated to a l6-cm depth in the sediment column

disturb large quantities of material and release large amounts of

(Table 1).

unassimilated material containing plutonium in their feces.

The average quantities of soluble plutonium in the water are


in recent

(Mo76) estimates that a 200-g mullet, a species common to Fnewetak,

years only small fractions of the Atoll plutonium inventory is either

which feeds by scooping up bottom material to sift and remove small

remobllized to the solution phase or resuspended to the water column.

algae, will pass 50 g of dry sediment through its gut per day.

also small fractions of the sediment inventory.


During 1976 zooplankton samples contained less than 1% of the

Bottom particles from the NW quadrant of the lagoon where highest

23942405, activity in the total material filtered from an equivalent

piutonium concentrations in sediment are found usually have high

volume of water (No78b).

plutonium concentrations, indicating that a fraction of

The remaining 2394240Pu in the particulate

the plutoniua in

material is therefore associated with other forms of suspended matter,

the particulate phase may originate from turbulent resuspension of the

Between 1960 and 1963 Johannes investigated the composition of the

sediment components in deep

suspended particles in the lagoon (Jo67).

associated plutonium is probably not transported for any distance in the

Progressing from the eastern

(60 m) water.

This resuspended material and

reef toward the lagoon, suspended benthic alyae and sediment particles


became less abundant with depth of the water as they settle to the

the same general area of its origin.

bottom, and suspended macroscopic organic aggregates, consisting largely

active processes capable of generating and moving particulate plutonium

of mucus released by coral, increased progressively in size and number

in the water mass have been considered,


ether processes resuspend so little of the plutontum inventory.

Often calcareous grains resuspended near the reef,

Previous results indicate that the material

is redeposited in

Only a few of the vartety of

It ds romarkable that

these and

microorganisms, copepod fecal pellets, and other undifferentiated

catastrophic events, the present distribution and inventory of plutonitin

material were incorporated with the aggregates.

in the sediments will be only slightly altered durinp the years by

These materials and

other particles produced in the pelagic environment are the most
important food components for lagoon zooplankton and certain
plankton-feeding fish (Ge74).

The small quantities of plutonium

relocation of labelled material from other regions in the lapeon,
Laboratory studies with contaminated sediments and soils from
Enewetak show that plutonium is rapidly partitioned between the solid

ingested with this particulate debris is dispersed over the lagoon by

phase and solution, reaching equilibriur after severel days with an

these organisms.

average distribution coefficient for plutenium of 1.8 x 10",

Herbivorous fish play a role in the generation of

particles in the water column (5m73).

These fish are not efficient

assimilators; while satisfying their energetic requirements, they

Table &

shows this and some recent determinations of the distritution
coefficlent for plutenium in laberatory and field experfinents using a


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