This concise history of the Air Task Group in Operation CASTLE (the

spring 1954 Pacific thermonuclear tests) was produced in the Historical
Division, Office of Information Services, Air Force Special Weapons Center by A/1C Dudley F. Saunders.

It is not intended to be a complete

history of Task Group 7.4 in that operation, but is designed to record
the major features of Task Group 7.4's participation,

For a full account of Task Group 7.4 in the operation, the reader
is referred to the monthly histories of the Air Task Group for the per- é

fod beginning July 1953 and ending in May 1954.

These monthly reports

contain all supporting documents and pictures of the operation.


are on file in the AFSWC Historical Archives, the Air Task Group's per=
manent records, and with the ARDC Historian.

Size and bulk of these

histories have made it impractical to distribute copies, since they occupy five linear feet.
One additional document completes the Air Task Group history.


is the Final Report of the Commander, Task Group 7.4, Operation CASTLE,
‘Since copies are readily available, no attempt was made to include it in

this history.

For the same reason, to prevent duplication of effort,

documents and photographs included in the monthly Task Group histories
were not included in this document.

For other reports of the operation,

consult the appended bibliography.




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