
covered by that operations order would be funded in the same manner as
during Operation IVY.

ILLUSTRATION 8, opposite page, shows Air Force

Cost by Command Participation.
The McNeil memorandum was issued with the understanding that it was

not all-inclusive but was an outline of the distinction between normal
operating expenses, which were to be financed by the services, and the
extra expenses, which were to be financed out of funds made available to
the Joint Task Force Commander.

Based on the McNeil memorandum, no dif-

ficulties were anticipated by Air Force Special Weapons Center in funding for Operation CASTLE as the AFSWC budget provided for the movement

of personnel of Headquarters, Task Group 7.4 to and from the Forward Ares.
in the same manner as during Operation IVY.
was the onlyexpense to be borne by AFSWC.

It was assumed that this
There were, however, three

major reversals of policy which created confusion in funding responsibilities:


A requirement was placed on the Air Defense Command (ADC) and

the Strategic Air Command for each to furnish eight F-84, pilots to train

in sampling operations with the 4926th Test Squadron (Sampling) at
Kirtland Air Force Base and for further temporary duty in the Forward
Area for Operation CASTLE.

Joint Task Force SEVEN stated that "expenses

of training personnel to take part in atomic tests are the responsibility

of the Services to which personnel belong."

This meant that ADC and SAC

would be required to fund for the TDY of their personnel.

These com-

mands requested funds for this TDY as they had nét received specific assignment of responsibilities early enough to include the requirements in
their Fiscal Year 1954 budget estimates.

Task Group 7.4 requested funds



Select target paragraph3