

Weapons Project was requested to review their requirement for accuracies
within 500 feet because of the exorbitant cost of procuring Raydist and
the problems involved in SHORAN installation.
On 13 November, Hastings offered to accomplish the mission for a
flat $200,000 fee, which included rental of the equipment and maintenance
and operational personnel.

The Air Task Group felt that $200,000 was too

expensive for the service rendered so Hastings was re-acquainted with our

Dr. William Ogle, Commander of Task Group 7.1, felt that Raydist
should be used and that pertinent installations be restricted to Enyu
(NAN), Bikini (HOW) and Eniman (TARE) in Bikin4 Atoll.
Hastings replied that they had originally understood that our requirements were much greater and that in the light of re-investigation
of our problem they offered the rental of the Raydist, as well as opera-

tional and maintenance personnel, for $100,000.


On 16 December the Air Task Group had queried the Fourth Fighter
Interceptor Squadron of the Far East Air Force (FEAF) for information
pertaining to runway emergency arresting barriers, which the Air Task
Group wanted installed at Eniwetok, Bikini and Roi Islands.

This letter

was forwarded through appropriate channels for necessary action.


quarters, 6400th Air Depot Wing, APO 323, was to be responsible for procurement and modification of the aircraft arresting gear for these

Colonel James F. Starkey, Commander, Test Support Unit, bor-

rowed a study on the barrier from FEAF to use as a guide in the installa-

tion of the barrier.


It was determined by the Air Task Group that a



Select target paragraph3