

Another oft-studied problem during the pre-operational days of

CASTLE concerned the selection of a device that would pinpoint the
exact geographical location of the effects aircraft at burst time

within extremely close tolerances.

This informetion was needed to

correlate the effects data with the yield of the shot.

Task Group

7.1 had recommended that SHORAN be placed on several islands to obtain the fix, but General Estes felt that the information gained from
SHORAN would not completely justify the expense of installation.


a letter to General William H. Blanchard, Headquarters, SAC, on 21
October, General Estes recommended thet this problem be studied at a
conference to be held at SAC Headquarters some time between 2 and 14

This conference was to be attended by highly qualified

SHORAN people, a qualified SHORAN operator, a man skilled in ground

station positioning and maintenance, and radar and photo interpretation personnel,
The conference was held at SAC Headquarters on 1l November and
was attended by General Estes; Colonel Kesling; Colonel Ray M. Hawley,
Director of Materiel, TG 7.4; Colonel Fackler; Lt Colonel Crosby and
Mr. Martin Oberg, Western Electric Field Engineer.

The R-17 and 0-15

cameras were considered too inaccurate for this project end the MPQ
was believed too delicate to withstand the shot jar.
It was found that SHORAN could be made availeble by SAC and would
be reasonably accurate, although not necessarily as accurate as Task
Unit 13 might desire.

SHORAN was described es being reliable cnly

when two complete stations were available at each location, ard provided the survey of ground stations was of the second order.





Select target paragraph3