the proper altitude,

Consequently, all parties preferred to use three

B-36's, if at all possible.

It was agreed that a second controller was

needed in the event one of the featherweight sampler-controllers should

About the same time, SAC reported its inability to send an RB~50

because RB-50 crew members were attending RB-47 school.

SAC then sug-

gested the Air Task Group use an RB-36 instead of the already assigned
RB-50, making a total of five B-36's,

Task Groups 7.1 and 7.4 suggested

that the RB-36 be rigged up for both control and photo purposes.
Finally, on 20 August it was agreed that the ATG would operate four

B-36's, The RB-36 would be the primary controller and secondary photog~ ;
raphy aircraft, thereby eliminating the need for a separate controller

One B-36 would be the primary sampler; one would have the primary

mission of sampling and secondary mission of back~up controller; and one

would operate solely for effects information,
troller was used on only one shot (KOON).

The sampler back-up con-

LASL wanted samples at 55,000

feet true altitude, which was beyond the capability of F-8,G's.


fore, the two featherweight B-36's were scheduled to obtain samples at
55,000 feet,

In addition to the B~36 controllers and samplers, fifteen

F-84's were scheduled for particulate and gas sampling; three C-54's for

photography; and seven H-19's for ground sample recovery.


6, opposite, shows the aircraft inventory of the Air Task Group by type.


Upon receipt of high altitude operating requirements for B-36 and

F-84 aircraft, as outlined in JIF SEVEN Operations Order 1-53, the use
of the T-1 High Altitude Suit for crew members was immediately investigated.

Colonel Karl H,. Houghton, Chief of the Human Factors Division




Select target paragraph3