molybdenum to Mo(VI).

A measured aliquot of the sample solution is added to a measured aliquot of previously analyzed ammonium molybdate solution.

After thorough

mixing, the solution is brought to pH 5 with ammonium acetate -acetic acid
buffer, and 0.1 M Pb(NO, )2 solution is added to precipitate the molybdenum

lead molybdate.

The sample is centrifuged and the supernatant is discarded.

The precipitate is dissolved in $ M HCl! and the solution is poured through a
column packed with anion exchange resin (Dow Chemical Company Resin
"Dowex A-1"'), previously treated with 9 M HCl.

When all the active solution

has passed through, the molybdenum is located in an adsorbed band at the top

of the resin column.

The following solutions are then passed in turn through

the column to remove impurities:
0.1 MHC}; 1 mi. H,0;

10 milliliters (ml.) of 9 MHC1; 10 ml. of

5 ml. of 3 M NH,OH; l ml. H,0.

The molybdenum

is then removed from the resin by passing through 15 ml. of 4 M HNO,.


few drops each of sodium tungstate solution and silver nitrate solution are
added to the eluate and the solutions mixed, then sufficient dilute hydrochloric

acid is added to precipitate the added silver as silver chloride,

The solution

is digested in a hot-water bath to coagulate the mixed precipitates of tungstic

acid and silver chloride and the precipitates are centrifuged off and discarded.
The tungsten and silver precipitations are repeated.

A small quantity of a so-

lution containing Fe?}, La’, Tet# and zr*4 is then added to the supernatant

and precipitated with NH,OH at pH 10 or higher for further decontamination.
The precipitate is rejected.

More Fe? and La? are added to the supernatant

(which is ammoniacal) and the resulting precipitate rejected.

The supernatant

solution is then acidified with acetic acid to pH 5 and 0.1 M Pb (NO,), solution
is added to precipitate the molybdenum as lead molybdate.

is washed with water and acetone and dried.

The precipitate


The dry precipitate is transferred to a weighed aluminum dish, the dish

and contents are re-weighed, and the precipitate fixed in place by a few drops
of diluted lacquer.

The weight of recovered lead molybdate is determined by

The small dish is fastened with adhesive tape to a support suitable

for insertion into the counting equipment and is counted once or twice daily
for several days. The lacquer must be thoroughly dry before the counting is
started, since the lacquer solvent exerts a pronounced effect on the counting


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Select target paragraph3