latter factor, the direct determination of uranium in a sample aliquot may

conveniently be used to obtain an approximate bomb fraction value.


results must be confirmed by determinations that employ the separation



Since the final amount of uranium determined is

on the order of 0.1 to 0.01 “g it is essential to run « blank involving all reagents to provide a correction for the small amounts of uranium they may


It is also essential to be particularly on guard against accidental

introduction of uranium in all operations.

Errors due to the latter factor

are quite variable end can be checked by considering the precision of parallel determinstions.

Present Application.

In the determination of the very small quan-

tities of uranium collected from the cloud thet are to be used to measure
the bomb fraction present, it is pertinent to consider the quantities of uranium involved compared to thet of all other substances which are likely to
be present and may interfere in the analysis.

The uranium present in the

initial bomb is far outweighed by the uranium tracer placed on the barge
and can be ignored in the analysis.

the barge is iron.

‘The most massive element present in

An explosion in the megaton range can be expected to

carry large amounts of sea weter into the bomb cloud, presumably well mixed
with ell other bomb debris.

‘The fluorescence method of uranium anelysis takes

advantege of the extreme sensitivity and specificity of this measurement.



Select target paragraph3