. The development of the detailed plan, the preparation of the
handbook, and the establishment of the laboratory facility in

Berkeley was accomplished by the loyal efforts of many individuals.
Among these were:
Dr. Harold Agnew, Los Alemos Scientific Laboratory

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Commander Philip Bankhardt, Division of Military Application
Roger Batzel, UCRL
Donald Beckstead, UCRL
Christopher Calsoyas, Editor, UCRL
‘Lewis Fussell, Edgerton, Germeshausen end Grier, Inc.
Herbert E. Grier

Robert Goeckermann, UCRL

- Robert Newman, Los Alemos Scientific Laboratory

. Edwin F. Orlemann, University of California

Dr. Roger Preston, UCRL
Mr. Deniel F. Seacord, Jr. Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier, Inc.
Commander Harry Watters, Division of Military Application
Dr. Lester Winsberg, UCRL
Mr. Charles Wyckoff, Edgerton, Germeshausen end Grier, Inc.
We would like to thank Dr. Eugene Huffman and the Analytical
Chemistry Group at UCRL Berkeley for the provision of the laboratory

In addition, we are indebted to Major General Alvin Luedecke and
members of Joint Task Force Seven who assisted in many parts of the


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