
One sheet of paper will summarize the magnification parameters:
horizontal distance:
camera tilt:



optic-axis distance:

L- cos T

camera focal lengths: f
camera magnifications:

L-+ cos 7/f, and

the Hauser magnifications for each objective.
Another sheet will summarize the meteorological data, and will tabulate

air density p, and the fifth-root of the density, as functions of altitude; the
fifth-root data will also be plotted on graph paper against altitude.
Four additional sheets, one for each film, will tabulate for each picture measured:

the time and image diameter,
the corresponding object diameter, D

the parameter ¢ =D. 1-2/5, and also


Tables giving 1-2/5 as a function of t, will be provided to aid these last
two determinations, and the density chosen will correspond to analtitude
equal to one-fourth the diameter.

The computed parameter

will be plotted against log (time) to deter-.

mine the interval over which it is essentially constant.

Finally an average

figure will be determined for 1/5, over the indicated time interval and
over all four cameras; this value will be raised to the fifth power and multiplied by +x 1.272 x 1078 to obtain the total energy release in kilotons.


Select target paragraph3