Mr. Richard M.
Page 7


May 4, 1973

contractor had been selected less than one week before the visit,
and had not
yet started work on the project.
Nevertheless, the
Trust Territory did nothing about their request.
The contractor
was apparently selected for political reasons.
The Trust Territory has persisted in doing nothing, and the contractor has done
the sort of job that the Bikinians were afraid he would do.
work is sloppy, subject to rapid deterioration, and above all,
characterized by continuous unexplained delays.
It is almost
three years since the contractor was engaged, but the houses are
still not ready for
the Bikini people.
The people have continued
to complain about the buildings, but nothing has been done to
correct the problems.

In addition to problems with the contractor, the rehabilita~-

tion project has been mismanaged from the beginning.
The most
notable characteristic of the program has been its
series of delays, most of which are apparently the
result of incompetence in the various offices in Saipan.
From the beginning

there have been delays in material; lack of qualified supervisors,
poor relations between the Trust Territory supervisor and the con-

tractor, and continuous breakdowns in communication.
The whole
project is typified by the series of events following
the May,
1972 inspection visit to Bikini.
The Bikinians had various complaints to make about the housing.
Through their OHO attorney,
they requested changes be made, in a letter sent to the Director
of Public Works in Saipan.
Several months laker the letter was
an:wered and the changes were by and large agreed to.

in a November visit, the Bikinians discovered that none of the
changes had been made, and that the exchange of letters had been

wnolly irrelevant to what the contractor was doing.
The inspection
trip was pointless, except that it proved that things had changed
only for the worse,

and that earlier mistakes

conplained of had

occurred over and over again.


The funding for the rehabilitation of Bikini has been a consource of



and confusion

for the

Bikini people.
No one has seen fit to provide them with statements
that detail the source or expenditure of funds appérently appro~
priated for
their benefit.
The fact that the Biuhini people have
not been informed about the fiscal
aspeuts of the rehabilitation
iS a major error.
It should be corrected fat once.
has shovn the Bikinieans that trustees who are allegedly ac
their benefit cannot. always be trusted, and it is of vital Lior
tance that full disclosure be mace to the Bikini people of all
appropriated, allocated, ov s.uent on Lhe Bikini rehabilitacCion projoct.


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