OTTICctal TO ClAIM THAT TNE NOTUIETI MEPsNa ly 2Wits WEIS 808 Wie we nated by radfoactive fallout from the U.S. nuclear weapons testing...” |v Mr. Wallace Green. 16/1 program, as you categorically stated {n your letter of April Zt, 1980, to ax| I trust that this will clarify the record that a) I am not aware of any OD such claim being advocated, and b) that with the exception of the six .aforementfoned atolls there fs at present no reason to believe that -Current radfation contamtnation levels in the northern Marshall Islands differ very much from contamination Yevels in other land areas of the world, such as the U.S. mainland, although verification of this latter point will have to await the final results of the Northern Marshall Islands Radiological Survey. . . ns Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this matter. 7 - - | Sincerely, eee a ” mL ” Health an | ptt Environmental Research Office of Environment - mee ae come Oo CNhA Best (OH jut .. ‘uw *MBOL tab God yon, a hiticte 80 § a Beelusen. wh y “0 ‘ore « oo, po mo ce of |)to-> DATE 0. oo. Bruce M. Wachholz. n.d. S . Ly i t Yen . Bruce W. Wachholz Yan aT@ Symgou