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dbak =eSTsins
HodGHiehoSi Gath Hors CR

Jtpirsetonee-Couneil, Ueno

On Ye

Wednesday, Novak -r 17

FOR BromeBeebe 3

he third day of the dapen = United States Confer ree on ku licblology
nay ap oat bi liscusstic: of Unit d Statcos and dapan
mothods for meacurire
the dntersity cf atumic radiation from varicus scuress.
Tho Unit d States

Dol petion oxbicitead an’ dononstrit.d a wide rings of ralieticn letectiorn
rume.ts onployed for diffor nt parpeses.
ltedb ro of both 4 leesticns
Pres ntedopoperts on mothods used for analyziee and arplyine th
rousup ports obtaired di Larervtery and field.

tho ch.irman for th meriiar 3 sslon wes Dr. Prnio Yomose st of the
Pdoeottion; for the sft rnoon, Dr. obtrling 8. ab ndrics: of the

‘hit doSfares del ration.

Th firet subject wis oe uirn ent omy doyed fer senplivy vir isl rome vine
rrpomes polio otivity vartielos for aeasmpene to in th Joborato ory.

aAbephesn airosemg ling

cquipmo:t uo d

in abemie plants te


af aard the

health oP Worters and in outloor losatiens te either th: vireboru dasts ws
shibit oa, toa ir ameifie tio ct siven, and th ir or ratharexpd red.
popertiont op taterest on thooqertoor ta daperes
pros ot db th ro mest soos do te
<trnet po ortiel

de] oeaticr
3 from the

i. the filt or
try alee an

Part Gqyaeree cf come drop rp empdeyed atmer baw.
henir ad Loc tions
ip te dt -d Stats be selloct saml s of the partieh so fallins tw oly from
Shooativespa reer browse? foe. by riin cr snow.
hoo for nto tap

ye doh

rah oh farm. cd te


Iestram nts used

os Po padistlen eith rai:


To test updom a. ur

sam Les celloct a fro


pedi tien woleh orours ia niture,
iar cid atl
toda bawebhots 6 Po ocdibratiaun dustrue nts.
Jtowes point do cut by

derby oh th

that d shat a Pel e@ thon, whe oper) 1] th?


Lobe ratery
ree VGC rotor udraes on bo be
twe fnotrae ite Emo thc
moot b tee on dectrun ets i: t.
HEE ro ab baoor.teri os orp cos boty en instrue
moe ts de ligforent cs oroteios oom
fron loen of uniforms linn bin,
sth toto
op rei doth tes libritien am theds.
pewrnetonbe os lier ony tet these and th oi,torpr to tiem er



Film buitce,

lenis rom eawebors,

sdoosintillabior ecurtb ra, +
rout typ sof
UPlierneutpen re dt tach,
ahor owec yerticulur into rocoto tis ti, babtor
Giowusshoa cu th port cf Pre oy Shintsu of eyoto Univ oroity, ut
ois ruijdine
eyolotron in dvian cote tao trold th
best ev dlabl
onootron inctrur mt eticn
ino rs oreh s owhbh this omechim.
Or, darl yo ond ler, lorril is nbud,
whopper sonbot the Unit d St to sci] sation in the i-strum ut tion
proecont thous, ¢ do
4 tone; of Lostrume te rd tarpcrnorts

pute fo eclor slides @ PF th
tare ro ty. os of fix do instrum nt.
ome beyed in
aporirr ] bor sorics ahicth eoug Gack bo trancported te th cont rat, ad
prog dope? dow qpietur se of
igs et tn oy ribien,


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