{U) Tre data orescence are 2 cormilation of all reperted initial
gamm. megcurements made by the Decartment of Defense and other agencie

from Gperation Sa vdstone (1943) through Creration Fish Esowt (1942).

Where neutron data are available,
the gamma measurements ars correcotel
for the direct effect of the neutrons on tne detector as well as on
the detector's environment.
Shield atteriation of the gamma dose was
taker into account.
Gamme-dose-times-distance-sciired, versus distance
foc shot conditions, is graphically presented.

(U) This is the fifth and final report dealing with the general
topic of neutron effects on gamma detectors.
It presents 2a ccemoilatic
of neutron-correoted, initisl-gam~s-dose measurements coteained by Dena

ment of Defense and other agercies, from Operation Sandstone (1942)
througn Operation Fish Bowl (1962).

(U) This work was authorized under DASA NWER Subtas* C4.007,

Neutron Effects on Gamma Detectors and DASA NWEZ Subtasx Té.042, Init
Radiatzron Studies.
This compilation and correction of initial garm.

data was started in Octover 1961 ard comple ed in Feoruary LOEL.

Select target paragraph3