(U) The gamma data and the neutron corrections are presented in

Tables 3.15 thru 3.18, and the plots of gamma-dose-times-slant-rang2squared versus slant-range are shown in Figurzc 3.1%thru 3.17.




(U) Operation Buster-Jangle consisted of seven shots at the NTS:
the first was a tower shot, the next four were airdrons, the sixth was
a Surface shot, and the last was an underground shot.
A summary; of th
shot information and the meteorological conditions at shot time is pre
sented in Tables 3.19 and 3.20.

(U) Gamma dose measurements were obtained by LASL (Refererze 26) from

all detonations except Able and the surface shot, and by Signal Corps

Engineering Laboratory (SCEL) (Reference 27) from the surface and under-

ground shots.
LASL used a series of five films to cover the range of 0.1
to 30,000 r.
The films were exposed in the AW holder attacred to an argleiron stake driven into the ground.
Films were recovered from 3 to G6 hours
after detonation.
No local fallout was recorded for the first five shots

(Reference 2h).

(U) SCEL also used five films to cover the range from 0.5 to 10,000 r.
The films were exposed in NBS holders, but the report dces not mention
how the film badges were positioned or whether shields were used.
Unfortunately, most of the films remained in the fallout field up tc 50 hours
after detonation.
To ascertain the initial gamma dose, the fallout dose
from one minute up to recovery time must be subtracted sFrom towel dose.
Tre fallout data were obtaired from Reference 28,

(U) Neutron-flux measucements were made by LASL (Reference 29) fer

the first five shots.
Gold~ and sulfur-neutron data for the surface i121
underground shots are available in Reference 13.
(u) The gamma doses and the neutron and fallout corrections are pre-

sented in Tables 3.21 thru 3.26.
Graphs of corrected gamma-doc?-timesslant-range-squared versus slant-range are given in Pigures3.1+ thru

(U) The neutron fluxes for the surface and underground shcts at the

slant ranges of interest are too small to permit meaningful corsection
factors to be obtained, and the initial gamma doses obtained by correcting
for fallout are very erratic.
Therefore, no graphs are presented for
these two shots.


Select target paragraph3