
(U) Operation Sandstone, conducted at the Pacific Proving Grounis

(PPG) during April and May 1948, consisted of three tower shots.

A summary

of the shot information is presented in Table 3.1 and the meteorological
conditions at shot time are given in Table 3.2.

(U) The gamma measurements were performed by Rad Safe (Task Group 7.6)

with film badges (Reference 21).

Six film types covering the range from

0.05 to 22,500 r were packaged in lightproof packs with a 1/32-inch lead
eross over the front, and sealed in an aluminum-foil jacket.
The film

badges were attached to 2x2x3/16-inch angle-iron staxes at distances of



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less than 1000 yards and to 1x1x3/16-inch angle-iron stakes at distances
of greater than 1000 yards.
Energy dependence of the film paige was
poor, since excessive response to radiation below 300 xe/ was noted.
the film badges remained in the field for 12 to 30 hours after detorati
generally in the upwind direction.
Residual contamination was estimate:
from field survey data to be negligible as compared to the film readin

(U) Neutron-flux measurements were made by Los Alamos Group LAJ-3

with threshold detectors (Reference 13).

Since no plutonium data were

available, the total fast-neutron flux was calculated as described in
Chapter é.

(U) The ganr+ data and corrections are presented in Tables

and 3.5.

Figures 3.1,

3.2, and 3.3 show the

correctei gemma-dos

the-slant-distance-squared as a function of slant distance.



(U) Operation Ranger, the first operation at the Nevada Test Site
(NTS), was conducted during January and February 1951 and consisted of
five airdrops.
Shot information is summarized in Table 3.6, and meteorological data are presented in Table 3.7.

(U) Gamma measurements were obtained with film dosimeters by the

Rad Safe group of LASL for all the shots (Reference 22).

Three film types

covering the range of 0.1 to 3000 r were packaged in a lightporoof paper

jacket with a 1/8-inch lead clip placed over each unit, sealed in a plastic


Select target paragraph3