

(U) The gamma data were taken directly from weapon test (WT) repor us

for each operation.
Actually the reported gamma dose data are not stri etwe ly
initial gamma data but reoresent gamma doses received up to the tim: or
tex detonation.
recovery of the detectors, often hours after
R ecert inrovations have greatly reduced the exposure time of the ganrs. detectors, but
during the earlier operations the gamma detector
the field
for lengthy and often unreported times.
Most of
$ were exrosed
upwind of the detonation to minimize the fallout
Table 2.1 gives the recommended ranges of most of the d



(U) Dosimeter films were the major gama--measuring system used at
weapon tests.
Films seem to be sensitive to every variable known to
mankind, and they may be sensitive to some not known,
Use of film as
gamma dosimeter for controlled laboratory. experiments preserts some di
culties in interpreting the data; but use of film at weacon tests, where
little control is maintained and “where the quality and type of radiation
are unusual, presents extreme difficulties.
The NBS and aluminum-ood
(AW) film badges have minimized but not eliminated energy, dependenc
the films.
Minimization of the field variables has progressed fron
to test so that now it is believed that the gamma dose can be inter
to within 25-35 percent.

(U) Direct line of sight to the detonation point was a

gamma, and neutron data.
Where the gamma data overlaoped
of two films, an educated guess was made as to which film was
the original data were specified.
Since the protective shield
a number of assumptions concernin

thickness, and composition had to be made in some cases.


direct neutron interaction with film were determined only for film

py OO

always adequately described,

in the NBS holder.
These interaction factors were assumed to be ap
cable also to the AW LASL film holder.
Very limited experimental d
indicate that the above assumption is reasonable, at least for thern
Finally, the neutron-interaction factors obtained for the newer
films were assumed to be applicable to the obsolete films of the same
dose range.


Select target paragraph3