the results obtained from all these systems were questicned because of
the neutron resvonse of the detector itself, as well as tne inter¢ection
of neutrons with the shield used to protect the detectors from blas:s
and tnermal radiation.
In many cases this interaction vroduced sufficient
secondary gamma rays to cause an appreciable increase in the total dose
measured by the detector.
(U) This report attempts to rectify this situation oy correctirg
the initial gamma data for direct neutron interaction with
the detect
to Ly
for or the
eids, and
and for the atte
of t neutrons
wi th the snields,
Stenuatt ion
or the initial gamma rays by the shields.
An evaluation of the gamma
dose produced by neutron interaction with the ground is also presented
Dut not used as a correction since the ground is part of the fixed environ
To perform this work the USANDL obtained direct neutron interaction
factors for available dosimeter films (References'1, 2, and 3) ard correction factors for the secondary gamm2 radiation produces by neutron interactions with shields and soil (References 4 and 5). Direct neutron
interaction factors for glass and chemical systems were obtained oy otner

investigaters (References 6,7,8,9, and 10).

During Operation Sun 2eam

tne theoretical calculations which produced the correction factors for
shields and soil were experimentally verified (Refererce 11).

(U) Recent work has indicated that these gamma dosimeters are dependent upon dose rate and total dose

in a complicated fashion (Reference 12),

Much more work will be necessary to clarify this situation.


Select target paragraph3