
G. &. Hurst, and R. H. Ritchie; "Radiation Dosimetry for Human

Exposures", Project 39.5, Operation Plumbbob, WT-1504, Oak Ridge
Nationg1 Laboratory, March 1958, Secret-Restricted Data.

M.” Ehrich; "The Sensitivity of Photographic Film to 3-MeV Neutrons
and to Thermal Neutrons", Health Physics, Volume 4, No. 2, pp 113128. December 1960. Unctrssified.
§. C. Sigoloff, and others; "Gamma Measurements Utilizing the Usany,
Chemical Dosimeter", Project 39.1 Operation Plumbbob, ITR-1500,
US Air Force School of Aviation Medicine, December 1957, ConfidentialFormerely Restricted Data.


D. L. Rigotti, and others; "Neutron Flux from Selected Nuclear Devices
Project 2.3, Operation Plumbbob, WT-1412, USA Chemical Warfare
Laboratories, April 1960, Secret-Restricted Data.


J. C. Maloney and M. Morgenthau; "Gamma Dose from Very-Low-Yield

“Bursts", Projects 2.9 and 2.12b, Cperation Harjtack, WT-1677,

USA Chemical Warfare Laboratories, August 1960, Confidential-Formerly
Restricted Data.
W. H. Moncrief, and others; "Effects of Very-Low-Yield Bursts on

Biological Specimens (Swine and Mice)", Project 4.2, Operation
Hardtack, WT-1663, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington
D.C., September 1961, Secret-Formerly Restricted Data.


M. Morgenthau and M. Schumchyk; "Residual Radiation from a VeryLow-Yield Burst", Project 2.10, Operation Hardtack, WT-1678, USA

Chemical Warfare Laboratories, December 1960, Secret-Restricted Data,

D. L. Rigotti, and others$ "Neutron Flux from Very-Low-Yield Bursts",
Projects 2.4a, 2.11 and 2.12a, Operation Hardtack, WT-1679, USA
Chemical Warfare Laboratories, August 1960, Secret-Restricted Data.
J. A. Auzier, J. S. Cheka, and F. W. Sanders; "Attenuation of Weapons
Radiation; Application to Japanese Houses", Project 39, Operation

Hardtack. WT-1725, March-266h, Secret-BRestate”



J. S. Cheka; "Private Commesication, June 10,1964, Unclassified.
D. L. Rigotti, and others; "Neutron Flux Measurements", Progect
2.3, Operation Sun Beam, WT-2264, USA Nuclear Defense Laboratory,
June 1963, Secret-Restricted Data.


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