E. Storm; "Gamma Radiation as a Function of Distance", Project 10.8
Operation Upshot-Knothole, WT-827, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory}

February 1956, Secret-Restricted Data.


R. G. Larrick, 0. E. Johnson, and R. G. Marmiroli; "Initial Gamma


W. A. Biggers and L. J. Brown; "External Neutron Measurements with
Threshold Detectors", Project 17.1, Operation Upshot-Knothole,
Wr-826, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, March 1955, SecretRestricted Data.


D. K. Willet, T. D. Hanscome, and L. W. Fagg; “Neutron Flux Measure
ments," Project 2.3, Operation Upshot-Knothole, WT-720, Naval
Research Laboratory, December 1953, Secret-Restricted Data.


L. J. Deal, H. H. Rossi, and G. S. Hurst et al$ "Physical Measure-

Exposure Versus Distance", Project 6.8a, Operation Upshot-Knothole,
WT-756, Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, April 1955, SecretRestricted Data.

ments of Gamma and Neutron Radiation in Shelter and Instrumentation

Evaluation", Project 24.2, Operation Upshot-Knothole, WT-789, US

Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C., August 1953, SecretRestricted Data.


R. H. Dempsey, and others} "Gamma Radiation Exposure", Project 2.1,


W. A. Biggers, L. J. Brown, and K. C. Kohr; "External Neutron
Neasurements", Project 14.1, Cperation Castle, WT-952, Los Alamos
Selentifiec Laboratory, Ottober 1955, Secret-Restricted Data.

Operation Castle, WT-912, US Army Signal Engineering Laboratories,
March 1959, Secret-Formerly Restricted Data.

E. Storm and E. Bemis; "Gamma Radiation as a Function of Distance"
Project 13.3a, Operation Teapot, WT-1208, Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratory, October 1955, Secret-Restricted Data.


J. B. Graham, and others; "Gamma Exposure Versus Distance", Projecz

2.1, Operation Teapot, WT-1115, US Army Signal Research and Develo»
ment Laboratory, October 1959, Secret-Restricted Data.


P, S. Harris, and others; "Physical Measurement of Neutron and

Gamma Radiation Dose from High Neutron Yield Weapons and Correlatgon

of Dose with Biological Effect", Project 39.7, Operation Teapot,
ITR-1167, Civil Effects Test Group, April 1955, Seeret-Restricwed



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