
W. A. Biggers and F. Waddell; "External Neutron Measurements 1946


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Defense Laboratory, Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, March 1960, Secret-

Restricted Data.



Corporation of America, White Plains, N. Y.; "The Nuclear Radiation
Handbook", AFSWP-1100, Nuclear Development, March 1957, SecretRestricted Data.


J. S. Wicklund, F. N. Wimenitz, and M. Gay Payne; “Determination

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Secret-Restricted Data.

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amma Radiation from Nuclear Weapons"; AFSWP-502B, Armed Forces
Special Weapons Projects, Washington, D.C., January 1955, SecretRestricted Data.


E. Storm and E. Bemis; "Gamma Radiation as a Function of Distance”;
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Laboratory, October 1955, Secret-Restricted Data.


Defense Atomic Support Agency, Washington, D.C.; "Nuclear Test
Summary Trinity-Hardtack (U)", DASA-1220, August 1962, Top Secret.


Nuclear Test Summary Nougat-Dominic (U)", DASA 1211, August 1963,

Top Secret.

H. Seoville, E. J. Hoffman, and E. C. Vicars; “Gamma Radiation
Versus Distance," Project 7.1-17/RS-1, Operation Sandstone, Scientific
Directors Report of Atomic Weapon Tests, Annex 8 Part IV, September

i948, Secret-Restricted Data.


E. Storm; "Gamma Radiation Exposure as a Function of Distance’ |


M. Ehrliefi, and others; "Delayed Gamma Ray Measurements, Part IIIFism Dosimeter Measurements", Operation Greenhouse, Wr-81, Annex

Operation Ranger, WT-201, Report 5, June 1952, Confidential.

1.2 of Scientific Director's Report, National Bureau of Standards,

Washington, D.C., May 1952, Unclassified.


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