= 0.198
5632r x 0.198 = 1115r x 1.3


=l449r = 1450r which is the soil contri-

(U) To correct the burst conditions to standard air density the

following formulae for correcting the slant range and dose must be used.

Standard density, ps, is defined as 1.293xl0~g/om*, the density of dry

air at O°C-and one atmosphere pressure.

The corrected slant range, Rs, is given by

and the corrected dose, Ds» is given by

with p/p, given by

p/p, = 0.269 = (C, - G + -Co +...)
where C, = 1

Cy = 1/2(0.269x10p, g y/T),
Cy = 1/6(0.269x10~7 ps g y/t)* 3
Cy = 1/24(0.269x10~ p, g y/T)
Py = pressure at the detector, mb


= acceleration due to gravity, cm/sec*


= temperature, °K


= height of burst,


(U) The slant range and dose-correction factors were so calculated

by approximating p/p, via the parameter y/t that only those C's whose

values were equal to or greater than 0.01 were included.
Inclusion of
only Cy assumes, in effect, a constant density between source and detector.
Inclusion of.C, and Cy assumes a linear variation in density with height
between source and detector. Inclusion of all the C's assumes an exponential variation in density with height.


Select target paragraph3