ae —E — ew _ ee aw EEmk IRLleall Kat, aid : - : meee a ee . Stl oe aoNA AN rte ny 7 ,mwent Of Energy bf 80 Please advise me of the names of the witnesses who wil] According to the represent the Department at this hearing. Rules of the Congress, as revised by the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970, copies of witnesses’ prepared statements must be made available prior to their appearance. In order to provide time for the Committee's evaluation of the statements, I would appreciate receiving 10 copies at least 24 hours in advance and 90 copies at the time If you have further questions, please of the appearance. contact James P. Beirne, or Barbara J. Haugh of the Committce staff at (202)224-2564, seats ev oh then. Sincerely, Henyy M. kson Chairman td kioPeh ities) te Sib is ee, hie HMJ:JBh sre FY er ree r are Thr wae? Ne Ey PNG mo aeT