










In addition, a number of thyroid examinations were done on people not in the
regular study group.

Medical findings will be reported separately.

From preliminary examination

of the findings, however, a few general statements may be made.

Among the

exposed people,no new nodules of the thyroid were discovered in the Rongelap

group, though one new Utirik individual had a tumor of the gland.


thyroid nodules requiring surgery were found in unexposed people also.


cancer was evident by clinical examination. Further tests for hypothyroidism,
which had been detected previously in some of the exposed Rongelap people,

were carried out and the results are being analyzed.

Nutrition and health

status of the people in the outer islands, including Bikini, was generally
satisfactory and about the same as seen in previous years.

As pointed out,

a number of ailments required further treatment or hospitalization and these

cases were referred to the Trust Territory Health Services.

At Bikini, in addition to the médical examinatious, whule body gamma
spectrographic analyses were carried out by the special BNL group accompanying

the medical team under Mr. R. Miltenberger. The majority of the 144 people
living on Bikini were counted.
In addition, urine samples were collected for
later radiochemical analyses.
Before departure of the medical team, preliminary
analysis of the gamma spectrographic data indicated a twofold or more increase
in 137Cs levels in the people compared with Findings of a year ago. The
spokesman for the Bikini people was Harold (the school teacher), who also was
Acting Magistrate.

I spoke to him about arranging a village meeting, but in

view of the examination schedule he did not think it was necessary. (In the
past we had held meetings with the people and informed them of the findings
regarding their radiological status and answered questions.) Before departure
of the medical group I informed Harold that preliminary data indicated increased
body burdens of 13/Cs in the people and told him it seemed apparent the people

had been eating fruits grown on the island (particularly pandanus, breadfruit

and coconuts).

He admitted that this was true and pointed out that due to

leaking water cisterns there had been a water shortage and people had been

eating more coconuts. I asked if they had been eating any of the coconuts from
Enue island. He said they got them from that island about once a month. I
suggested they eat more coconuts from Enue in view of the lower levels of radio-—

activity on that island, rather than eating the coconuts grown on Bikini.


the medical team left the island after two days, Mr. N. Greenhouse arrived to
join the group in the radiological studies. They remained several days more on
the island.

When I arrived at Kwajalein, I learned that Mr. Winkel, High Commissioner,
and Mr. Rayfrom DOE were in Majuro to meet with the Kili Council. I talked to
iir.Ray by telephone and informed him of the preliminary findings on Bikini. IL
told him I believed the increase in body burdens of 137Cs in the Bikinians was

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