As indicated in UWFL-34


future work will include,


addition to snail egg studies, a comparison of the relative
biological effectiveness of soft and hard X-rays and C0?
gamma rays using agar plates of Chlorella.

Radiobiological studies of fishes

Results of the experiment on the effects of X-radiation
on early stages of development of salmonoids have been reported

in UWFL-34.

The report on the preliminary experiment on the

effects of X-rays on six developmental stages of rainbow trout,

Salmo gairdnerii, involving a total of approximately one
thousand fish,


is being written.

Mortality, growth, body pro-~

fin ray number and color (parr marks) have been

studied and found to be altered by comparatively low doses.
Teratological effects on external features are now being ana-


This material will then be summarized and compared with

radiation effects on other animals.
The second salmonoid experiment in progress on Oncor-

hynchus kisutch (silver salmon)

is a much more complex study

on effects of X-rays on 17 developmental stages involving a
total of approximately 11,500 fish.
analyzing the skeletal system

This study will include

(by radiographs)


subsequent to X-radiation as well as making observations similar
to those made

in the trout.

Select target paragraph3