


Other Services
In addition to the research program,

the staff members

of the Laboratory have provided various services to state,
city and campus organizations.
for example,

Numerous requests are received,

for lectures on atomic energy,

logical problems,

library service,

advice on radio-

loan of equipment, etc.


staff also assumed the responsibility for and served as members
of the local Atomic Energy Commission emergency monitoring team.
Radiological problems that have arisen at the Boeing
Company, the local civil defense organization and at other
radiological laboratories on the campus have been brought to
our staff members for discussion and advice.


our X-ray

machines have been available to other departments on the campus.
Monitoring team
In the spring of 1950, when the United States Atomic
Energy Commission voluntarily undertook the provision of
civil defense emergency monitoring service, the University
of Washington organized a fourteen-man emergency monitoring
team, with Dr. Donaldson of the Applied Fisheries Laboratory
as team captain.

This group has been active for four years,

meeting as scheduled, giving lectures,

and providing technical

advice and other services whenever called upon.

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