
accumulated none.

The metabolism of the living algae,


fore, had something to do with the uptake of radioactive

From decay curves it appears that this activity

could be due to one or more of the following isotopes:
Ru lS |



cel 44

and sr?

Radiochemical analyses of this material are in progress.
The decay curves also show the same slopes in the algae as

in the solutions, indicating no selective uptake by the algae.
When cel44 was added to the solution of mixed fission products,
uptake by the algae was very rapid.
Other experiments with circles of the alga Ulva lactuca
and Nereocystis leutkeana,

incubated in solutions of mixed

fission products from Engebi sand,

showed that five per cent of

the total activity in solution was taken up per gram of Ulva
in 12 days and 10 per cent by Nereocystis in three days.


experiments will be continued.
Electron micrographs of the filtered Engebi sand solution
were prepared.

No particles were found in suspension,


that there was a true solution rather than a colloidal suspen-

sion of the radioactive particles.

Food cycling experiments with invertebrates

In the experiment with the water movement by the horse
mussel, Modiolus modiolus, the presence of suspended matter

Select target paragraph3